Thursday 19 January 2012

Holy Crap! I'm Alive!

 Haven't posted in ever. Don't kill me, kay?

    Anyways, the reason I haven't posted in twenty million years is because I have been writing fanfictions and making videos and listening to Durarara!! chorus videos...
 Wait, didn't I tell you about Durarara!!?
 ...Well, look it up. It's a great Anime. Super awesome. A little boring for the first couple (by that, I mean 10) episodes but it gets way better passed the twelve-ifth episode and even better passed the fourth novel. OMG, Kida Masaomi is hot... Ahem... (and so is Shinra Kishitani!!! I said nothing)

    I have been super sick the last couple of days with a cold. And then there is exams, which are no fun to do when you are sick as a dog. Have to memorize lines for Drama, have to remember to bring in a calculator tomorrow, have to prepare for English thing, and screw Vocals. I don't feel like dealing with that.
 So, I might not post, again, for a long while. So, like, yeah.

 I guess that's it,

Tuesday 6 December 2011

Projects, Projects

    I haven't been writing.

    I know. Sue me. I've been working on another project that took two weeks to complete. Well, I have been working on two separate projects. One was a fanfiction called, "How To Walk Again" starring Masaomi Kida and Shinra Kishitani from Durarara!!. Basically, Masaomi gets injured and Shinra has to teach him to walk again (with the help of Saki Mikajima and Celty Sturluson) while dealing with possible and upcoming death and assassination from Izaya Orihara, his only High School friend (that's a lie; there was Celty and Shizuo, too, but Shinra was Izaya's only "friend").

 So, yeah. I have been working on that along with an AMV called, "I'm Alone On My Own (Kida Masaomi - Durarara!! - Blackbirds [Full Version])". Yeah, you can find it on Youtube, if you just put that whole thing in the search box. Yeah, it's my best AMV ever, and I'm super proud of it! I'm actually planning on entering it into the Anime North AMV Contest this year. Wish me luck!

 As for upcoming original stories...Well, I have none. Yet. I'm going to update a Fanfiction I haven't in a while and hope that I haven't lost any watchers to that one because it's been forever. Yeah. So I better get down to doing that.

 Don't know when my next update will be, but I'm sure we'll figure that out when the time comes. Or, I'll just update randomly.

 I'll be honest. I forgot about the blog.


 P.S Don't really use me, kay?

Thursday 24 November 2011

The Ideas Won't Stop Coming!

    Too many ideas! Too many projects! I can't handle them all! Nooooo!


Saturday 12 November 2011

New Story Idea...Yay

    Well, this would be the second since NaNo...
 This one was inspired by, believe it or not, Durarara!!, which has been on my mind a lot lately, especially the Kida X Saki pairing, which inspired my latest idea.

    Young Skyler is trying to recover from the tragic disappearance of his girlfriend, Genesis. He acts normally, until he believes he sees her and he loses all control. Phoenix and Charlotte, a car manufacturer and a paranormal investigator, try to get to the bottom of it only to deal with higher forces.

    Yes, there is more to it, but I don't wanna throw all my cards on the table for you guys to read. I mean, then why would you read it? Again, don't bother thinking of stealing it cause I'm more than ready to fight for it! (cocky smirk).
 But, I'm tried of all these story ideas. I have been more into AMV Making lately. I've made more AMVs for Kida Masaomi than I have for any other character, and Season 2 isn't even out yet! But, then again, I doubt Kida will make an appearance in Season 2, since he doesn't come back till novel eight and Season 1 left off at Novel 3.

     Since all this news, about Kida Masaomi missing and Riku dying, I feel depressed. I think that's why I made an insane character who is in a lot of pain due to the disappearance of his girlfriend. I fear I am phycotic!
 No, no, I'm schizo!
 No, you're not.
 Oh, so now you're bi-polar.
 I can be neurotic.
 Shutting up now.
 Anyways, I've not been nice to my characters lately, nor to my AMVs, so I think I might need a mental break. SUSHI, HERE I COME! But seriously. Well, I guess I better get down to writing...or AMV Making...I'm not sure what the hell I'm doing. Oh, well.


Friday 11 November 2011

Published Already!?

    Whoa, whoa, whoa. What?
  It turns out that I'm about to be published. Already.

    A few months ago, I learned about the World Poetry Movement. I entered a random poem I spent about five minutes on just for kicks to enter it. Well, just yesterday, I received some mail from the World Poetry Movement. I am one of the 116 poets they decided to publish as a Semi-Finalist!
  Can you imagine my shock when I read this? At first I was in complete shock. Then I handed the letter to my Dad and nearly fainted. When I caught myself, I started hyperventilating. My Mom was like, "Uh, are you okay?"
 I couldn't catch my breath. "I...I'm gonna be...It..."
 "She's gonna get published," my Dad said. Then, at the statement, I jumped up and squealed, jumping up and down, up and down, spinning in circles, hitting notes only dolphins can speak.
 First thing I did was call my best friend, whom I couldn't get a hold of, so I called my other friend and told him the great news, squealing in his ear. Then, we celebrated with pizza.

    But, seriously, honestly! Published at fourteen! I wonder if anyone realizes that this is my dream come true. My lifetime wish, my fate, completed, right before my eyes. I don't know what to do. I... *hyperventilating all over again*

    Okay. Well, I haven't been writing as often lately. I've been AMV Making. I just lost a Beta Battle, so I have to go practice. Not sure what my next AMV will be yet. Probably a song by Lydia; "Kida Masaomi -Durarara!! - One More Day" is what I'm expecting. Perhaps an "(AMV Short)" to follow in the title, but I'm just gonna AMV Make until I can no longer.
 Well, now to enter in another contest, this one of chance rather than skill. See you later!

 And wish me luck in the semi-finals!


Friday 4 November 2011

Forced To Write

    Nano has started.
 And, for me, it has ended.
 After four days of Nano, I've given up. Why? Because I feel like I'm being forced to write. My story is going NOWHERE and it feels like they are just standing around, going, "La de da! Everything is peaceful!" and it's damn annoying that I can't have anything happen! (deep breath)

    Besides, I want to AMV Make this month. I have a Beta Battle on the due, and I wanna make a Kida Masaomi full length vid so I can move on with the next Anime and make more AMVs. Then, when I'm good enough, I'm going to make a giant collab one like all the really awesome ones on Youtube!
 But I'm not quite there yet.
 I need more practice.
 Just not now. Oh, well.

    Well, things are looking up, a bit. I'm watching Blood + and Mushi-Shi with my Mom. They aren't bad. Not my favorites. I like Riku, though. He's so cute.
 (P.S I tend to have a thing for the youngest male character, which is kinda creepy, but, somehow, they always end up like my age at the time...It's weird)
 But I'm having a Kida Masaomi obsession, which will probably pass like my Tony and Toboe obsessions. They weren't big obsessions. They only lasted a month or so. Unless it turns out I absolutely adore Kida Masaomi, then it might be as long as my Zed and Reno obsessions, which turned out to be about three months long...or maybe my Trunks and Goten obsessions, which were about three years...
 OR my Legend of Dragoon obsession, which has been basically my whole life.
 But I'm betting on the one month thing.
 My nickname at school and my cosplay costume for Con-G and Anime North won't change, though.
 I will always be Kida Masaomi.
 My new identity.
 Go me.

    I wear a pink camouflage handkerchief around my neck all the time, now, so I declared myself Leader of the Pink Scarves (yes, a Durarara!! reference. Shut up.) and that was basically my Halloween Costume cause it was too cold for what I was wearing.
 You know, I had about eight different titles for my Halloween costume. I'll list em:

 Black Swan
 Gothic Fairy
 Biker Chick
 Cowboy (for some weird reason)
 Bar Waitress
 Leader of the Pink Scarves
 And the originally intended Anime Warrior.

    Oh, what a fun Halloween.
 I went Trick-or-Treating with a friend who was dressed up as a random Hufflepuff, despite the fact people called her Hermione or Harry...even though she was nothing like them...
 I got tons of candy and I've eaten most of it. I feel like a pig. I should lose some weight, but my High School has too many stairs, so I think I'm safe for now...I hope.

    Fun Fact: according to the calculator...
  789 x 654123 = 5
 (when rounded). Like, what the...?
 Well, I was playing around with the calculator in Math class (it was my friend's calculator) and I randomly typed that in and that was the answer I got. Check it out for yourself! It's true!
 (P.S.S Try it out on a cheap dollar store calculator)
 Another weird one I got is...
 99 999 999 + 99 999 999 = 1.9999999
 Could this get any weirder?


Tuesday 1 November 2011

Everything Is Falling Apart

     I don't think I can do this.
 Everything is just falling apart. Crumbling through my fingers like fragile clumps of dirt. I can only hold on for so long before it all goes away.
 What am I going to do?

   My best friend thinks I don't like her anymore because I've been talking to some other friends. My [favorite] laptop is starting to get old and being very slow. NaNo is coming up and I feel so behind. And, suddenly, I have this strong, irrisistable urge to get straight As in High School.
 Then there is my family, which isn't going over too well with things the way they are, and I have to deal with my life, and I have to get things. I have to put aside all the things I want to get done to keep up with school, friends, family, etc, etc.
 And I'm losing it all.
 And then there's my damn friend who isn't even a friend. She just uses me so she isn't so "alone". Damn it, she has friends!

    I don't know how much longer I can hold on. I'm losing myself. I have been doing so well, with keeping my anger in check. Not being a "spaz".

 But the past is coming back. I can't see the future anymore. Foggy, like the mist over a lake. I can't see the other side. Breathing the murky air of uncertainty and distrust. Where is the other side? Where? Where all the light is, all the flowers, where good reigns, and...
 I'm losing it all.
 I'm losing it.
 Everything is falling apart.
 And I have nothing to hold onto.

 But I can do this.
 I have to.
 I have to...